They are based on a 30mm scale, in contrast to GW's 28mm scale, so they'll be just a little bit bigger than GW models. I personally don't really...
2 for each, actually. Before the current ones, Lizardmen had a bigger, bulkier model.
Yup, bane head is still there and iirc unchanged.
The models, as far as we know (and I'm pretty sure if there were new models we'd have seen them by now) are staying exactly the same. The folks at...
You could always get the stuff that isn't changing, like Salamanders, Sarus & Skinks, Slaan, Cavalry, etc.
They look the same to me. Maybe theyr'e just colored different than you're used to.
Warhammer Historical: Legends of the Old West would be your best bet. They're tricky to find, though.
Hey, I've been looking around for places to buy alternative miniatures to the GW ones. Many people probably know a lot of other sites, so you can...
Looks pretty cool. I don't know about that chain, though. I think you'd be better off changing your Saurus' hand to a fist clenched around it, to...
Has anyone else heard of Hell Dorado miniatures? They have some pretty sweet stuff:
Re: Started Painting Today! Thank you all. I'm hoping on getting someone who knows how to take photos real well to take some pictures of it.
Personally, I like Witch Hunters...
Is it for PC only or something? I can't get it to work!
I disagree. Think about it: if you have a Saurus, which is a quite a bit heavier than a Skink, riding a Terradon, you need it to be a lot bigger...
I think it's up to the painter to decide what sort of colors to use, whether they use a unified scheme or different colors for each model. I...
I suggest you post this on a VC forum.
I have a really intense design brief for a theatre group that I have to get out of the way before spring, so hopefully I'll be able to have enough...
I have to admit; I really didn't like the new Stegadon model at first. Now, however, I think I'm warming up to it. My favorite of the new models...
Wow, I'm so excited I can barely contain myself! Lucky you, you get to spend all your birthday money on new models, eh?
I used a mix of Undercoat Black and White on the bigger scales on top, and then the smoother skin, I painted with Snakebite Leather. Here's what I...