Well, you know the house rule I use since we have been discussing it the past week or so. :P But for everyone else, we ignore/ban level 6 spells...
Fair point, that would indeed be a tough army to drag down. Hordes can be frustrating because you can slaughter a load of models, then realise its...
VERY cool looking hut! It does indeed look far better finished. Nice work. And that looks like a rather oldschool Orc to live in the hut. :)
Commisions, hey? I don't know any off the top of my head because I haven't used any, but I know there are a few commision converters/painters on...
I had a game a few weeks ago where I rolled really high on my magic phase, circumstances were such that there was only 1 spell I could throw that...
Re: Old Mossy slopping red all over the place It looks good, and very big! Great work!
Guys, you are allowed to mention the names of online stores here... I use Maelstrom Games and Wayland Games, both based in the UK. Of course,...
Nah he doesn't have the floating special rule so he doesn't. The palanquin is one of those things that isn't very well defined. He is classed as...
To me, they look about the same height as saurus warriors. Maybe a fraction taller. Orcs are a little taller, but they are usually hunched over a bit.
Yeah you can change. Remember to post a new 'before' shot with the current date visible though.
Sweet, sounds good! Not sure I will end up in the US, though I'm not shutting any doors at this stage. I'll probably end up interstate somewhere,...
Re: My Custom Made Scenery Projects & Progress Nice work so far! I look forward to seeing more.
Nice colour scheme on the Slann, and I really like the red and black striped carnosaur! Great work. I think the metal one you should mute the...
Yeah you are right, you need to draw the line somewhere at what to ban, and there is always going to be something that is right at the top and on...
Yeah there is definitely a big case of you get what you pay for, I know the Museum Replicas one would be fantastic quality. I'm currently not in a...
Thanks for the links, I have looked at Museum Replicas before. Indeed some very very nice stuff! There is a much cheaper one here, I'm not sure...
Entered! Good luck!
No harm in trying! Two more entrants added to the list.
Well don't run saurus 4x4 because they won't have rank bonuses... But in general, no the unit base size doesn't matter at all. All it does is...
I'm actually not sure you can ever get a profit on a painted model really. Sure if you are an amazing painter you might be able to sell a model...