Yeah painting is exactly the same as any other models. Apparently GW is not using a mold release agent, but I would still suggest giving them a...
Eh, I replied differently in a PM before but now that so many people have, sure might as well post all unpainted shots in here. Painted ones at...
I think we are still waiting to get a couple more people, so Lord Cedric yeah you are in! Maybe to keep the thread active we should start getting...
Yeah yellow is not something you should just put straight onto the undercoat. Maybe if white is the undercoat, but I would probably still avoid...
Either listen to music or watch some kind of sitcom like Leokill27. I wouldn't want to watch something I hadn't seen before, because its hard to...
It starts now! We are looking to have entries submitted early August, so about a month away. Might extend it a little bit since it is a unit...
Thanks for the review, just read through it. Some good thoughts in there! We really do have a somewhat thin selection of magic items don't we?...
Ok, I just looked it up and looks like it is free for us to install on the board (users may need to buy the app, I am not very familiar with apple...
It really depends on how much influence you want magic to have and how much magic each side is taking. All the armies you mention have the...
Ok.. Is this something we need to add somehow or is it just a suggestion for those with apple products?
If you can and need a 6 to hit, definitely yes. But if it means you need a 7 to hit, not worth it and better to go with single shot. You want...
Blowpipes, only because you don't have to pay extra points for them. There have been a few comparisons done between the two, and they work out...
This is pretty much my longsword. Its my favourite one. I couldn't find a picture of the other one because a friend bought it for me and I'm not...
I disagree. With HE attacking in an extra rank above everyone else with their spears, and striking first, almost always rerolling missed to hit...
I did indeed, no worries there!
Wow those skinks look really cool! Great work! I really like how the extremeties are darker than the body. I think the brown base looks better,...
Sounds like you faced an overpowered army anyway.. They certainly aren't weak now, but yes they are a bit weaker in 8th ed than they were in 7th...
Definitely do, paint straight from the pot is usually so thick it obscures detail on models and several thin layers takes longer but looks much...
After the success of the first painting challenge last month (congratulations deathfrisbee2000 for the winning skink priest!) we are having...
Re: Lustria-Online's Unit Painting Challenge Yep guys, thats right, Mantic Games has offered prize support for this challenge which is great of...