Yeah that sounds like trying to twist the wording of the rules a bit. Loremaster gives him all the spells from the lore that he has, not a second...
Hey Arli, if you don't play GW tournaments where only GW models are allowed, check out the Mantic Undead. The zombies and ghouls are particularly...
Yep, it was their annual price revision. Which means rise. Not everything went up, but a lot of things did. They do it pretty much at the start of...
There is a thread for Storm of Magic here: ;)
Its starting to look really cool, great work!
Good idea. There are a couple of people that have been bugging me lately about it. Try to get lots of people from the old games back.
That sounds like it could be a really cool idea! I don't know of any killer plant models on the market (doesn't mean there aren't any mind you)...
Sweet, I've made an announcement for it. I'm keen to sign up!
Re: New Scum and Villainy Game! (Starting again October 2010!) Scum and Villainy is starting again for the first time in 2011 hosted by...
I agree, pretty much never. They are 250mm across, if you are fighting a horde on 20mm bases you will just get the whole unit into contact going...
Not really. If they are giving us one in resin anyway, they probably won't bother sculpting another. I actually haven't heard of any new models...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(More Jungle) Wow thats a fantastic looking table, great work! Would be awesome to play on.
Heh, thats a good one. I am in Australia... And yes, there is no way I will ever pay Aus prices. Lucky, Wayland Games has found a loophole in the...
Having just read some High Elf novels, I can confirm that at the time the High Elves were vaguely aware of some small settlements to the west but...
What size game are you playing? At around 2k that should be enough. Depending on the theme of your army, 70 skinks is actually a hell of a lot,...
Base size is an important factor though. Additionally, there isn't a set size for infantry bases. For all intents and purposes, the Slann counts...
While you need to be 5 across to claim a rank bonus, you actually do not need to set up your units at 5 wide minimum. You can set them up in a...
That thing looks cool. Those raveners are very nice models. Good work! If you add only one thing, it should be scales. LM are all about scales on...
I know Craken has some good photoshop skills, several others do to. If someone makes something, I am sure Sammy or I would be happy to try to get...
Wow the Tau guns really suit LM, very cool looking models!