King Gnome..[IMG] or Gnome King[IMG]
I have been waiting for the new Lord Kroak model since it was announced, but having seen your paint job I'm tempted to find one of these online....
There's not a lot of great old architecture in Oz because we are a youngish country by modern standards. I've travelled throughout SE Asia and...
Or you sneeze and throw your back out
I saw what you did there.........
This is Mr Noah. He's better than coffee.....sometimes.... [ATTACH]
Books and music. Third was a toss-up between cats and coffee. Went for cats
Good joke. However the presenter himself is a bit of a joke. As many people dislike him as like him.
Armies I own: 1. Chaos Dwarfs 2. Dwarfs (proper ones, not AOS fire or steampunk) 3. Lizardmen 4. Daemons (Nurgle themed) 5. Chaos (Nurgle themed)...
Fireforge usually do good stuff, however I don't like the snake heads but no tails. They just look odd
There are websites dedicated to misheard or misquoted song lyrics. Some are spectacularly funny. And once will never listen to that...
We have this chocolate bar in Oz. Its been called a very ugly chocolate bar. Back in the 80's there was an ad were a young lad arrives at the...
I saw what you did there!
I'm singing Nightbringers lyrics from now on
Correct. Apologies for intruding on your post
Recieved two Blood bowl teams from Punga miniatures kickstarter. Sons of Anubis (Khemri undead) and Vampire buccaneers. Really beautiful sculpts...
My grandson came up with this idea for halloween. Obviously he is not alone
Great idea, and wonderfully painted.
APRIL FOOLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [IMG]