Almost completed my bloodbowl necromantic team. Just the werwolves to paint and then finish the bases. That may take a while as I want to put them...
[ATTACH]Bring it on! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I like any version of Istanbul but TMBG have a few good versions. This too is great.. [MEDIA]
Yes bases and colours very old school. When GW first opened a store in Sydney, they actually refused entry to anyone who came in for gaming whose...
Man they are awesome and worthy of such a great paint job
[IMG]Thats my car!
Paint job was from about 30 years ago. Very old school. Tempted to strip them and re-do them, all except the black orcs
My first army was the Dawi Zharr. Small men, big hats!!!
Everything except Sigmarines, Ossi-crap, Fish elves, Cow elves, and Steampunk dwarves (though I do like both just not together) Also anything...
Countries visited: Australia (homeland) Indonesia (twice) Malaysia Singapore Thailand (about 6 times) Myanmar (illegally snuck across the border...
I see a lot of miniatures posted on this and other forums where the metallic paint has just been painted over a light undercoat. Warhammer TV...
As the post says ...Last person to make a post wins. When I found this thread no one had made any posts for a while. I thought why not just stick...