The Call of Cthulu
Man thats like finding Blackbeards treasure !!
Completed and varnished 8 Black Orc crossbows, 2 black orc banner bearers, muso and 2 champions. 1 feral orc shaman on a boar. Now to finish my...
I knew someone who bought an old car from a farmer. The car had been housed in his shed. When my friend got the car home he saw a brown snake on...
No its the sequel: Third breakfast Club
Ha Ha. I saw what you did there..........
The world has a lot to fear from the CCP. They have policies to encourage illicit drugs into the west. They have bought into Hollywood and are...
I'm tempted to draw up a spreadsheet like yours of my pile of metal/plastic/resin/shame. Maybe it will help me focus!
The marketing team are laughing their heads off
Its the floral foam
[IMG]Have you used this stuff much previously. I've used it for its intended purpose, but also had some lying about for a while. It tends to...
Good job on old Sparkletooth. Is that one of the fish things from the sea elves?
In January 1994, Tanya Harding (floral top) became embroiled in controversy when her ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly, orchestrated an attack on her...
I remember seeing a fully armoured elephant (not a real one) in a museum in Thailand. It had this enormous primitive gun/cannon that was used to...
Lustrian - Maybe greens for the vortex and gold or jade base and platform or BARTUK's obsidian look above
I started painting miniatures back in the late 80's, maybe early 90's. I have been through many a pot of paint in that time. Some finished...
Thanks Lizards. Had an idea but didn't really know what I was doing. In the end a broken stick, some broken cork tile, a bit of pva and sand,...
Lately I tend to have quite a few projects on the go at once. Just finished a chameleon champion (all my chameleons have green legs and blue upper...
Thanks. Appreciate it. These two I did ages ago. An albino Saurus champion and one of my Temple guard[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]