Apart from the halflings I haven't liked any of the blood bowl stuff. Way too much armour on everything. However this I like very much. That's a...
If I could read music I'd try and play that. Might just be a great new riff...............
There is definitely a story here.........
No worries about copyright infringement there. No one in their right mind would copy those. Elegantly UGLY
[IMG] Stay at home gnome
[IMG] COVID-19 Gnome
[IMG]Gnomes & dinosaurs!
Is GW making fantasy very GW branded. And its rubbish!
I am reminded of this... [IMG]
[ATTACH]Bad picture but I have some of those old school TG. About 16 from memory. The wrappings on the spears/halberds I tried to paint like...
Yes. I proudly own an 80's Chaos Dwarf army. Painted in 80's style as well
No Chaos Dwarves. Blasphemy!!!!!!!!! Liked the Warrior of Chaos living sigils helmet!
I took the test back in about 2008 and passed. However now happily back home in Oz