I am simply finding it weird that we are still voting about it and debating this while it seems we have reached consensus on it. The article is...
Why would the dwarven and imperial cannons do not need nerfs? They have other good ways to deal with monsters, such as big blocks of infantry,...
The wording of the question is very prone to start debates. It also kinda shocks me that 61% do play with it, i believe you should not. It shows a...
I have a pretty competetive 2K doubles tournament coming up, and i have chosen to team up with some HE as i think that their list is strong, and...
Even when you have an engine, you would have to rely on it surviving. The few extra attacks are in my oppinion never worth the loss of parry,...
You are right, i was one who was also misinterpreting that rule. That makes Eternal Flame slightly less good, but still a very strong pick IMHO. I...
I would not say it is always a boring list, it is all up to playstyle. You have very little movement, you simply have 2 infantry blocks that are...
On another note, even though the Blade of Realities might not be strong enough to kill the Prince, it will be good enough to kill the unkillable...
What a brilliant idea, i never even considered the Blade of Realities, but i guess it could maybe work? The problem is that your Oldblood will be...
Hi, and first of all, welcome to the jungle! There are quite a few things i would change in your list. Also consider that people come to hone...
A non soul of stone Slann, feisty. There is a really good article in the tactica on the strenght of that mastery for protecting your Slann and...
Seems like one of the most bog standard lists you can play, effective yet boring maybe? You are very brief in describing your options, what are...
Feels like a better plan then what you had before. I am really struggeling to think of any unit that will challenge your TG once they are in the...
I really feel like this verges on viability, but i also feel like the list is just slightly to slow to really control the board. A good opponent...
Re: My 2400 Lizardmen List - Advice and criticism welcome < Seems like a solid enough list, it just lacks some units. I feel that your list is...
Seems like a reasonable start, i like the overhead shots as it gives you more ideas then normally what is actually going on. You do NEED a higher...
Re: What are our best warmachine hunters in big games (3000p Can you actualy do that? I always thought that you had to test frenzy befor you do...
Re: What are our best warmachine hunters in big games (3000p I always prefer the charmed shield against the odd cannonball or espacially bolt...
I am always slightly humoured when i see mentions of casual lists in the army list section, what do you want us to actually say? That your list is...
Even though i am sure that was hilarious, it is dependent on so many factors that it is ridiculous to even think of it actually working. First,...