More powerfull cannons he says, oh no. Nerf those terrible Deamon Princes into the ground and give Cannons d3 wounds. I do not mind something...
I think i agree with Scalanex here, BSB is even better then the cogitation. Would you run it solo or in the Saurus, or even the Skinks? Do take...
Aaah,, ok, that completely chages the list. It makes the Dawnstone a lot better, just consider giving them GW's then. I never ran a COC Deathstar,...
Seems allright at a first glance. Lords Old blood, CO, Fencers Blades, Glittering Scales, Dawnstone Using the mighty Dawnstone on only a 3+...
Slann, Naked Slanns are generally not worth it, and then still you should add a bit more information before i can say much about it. Lore?...
Thanks Scalanex, ill try it out tomorrow. It is a cut down version from a 2400 P list i have, the former runs Soul of Stone, an additional Steg...
Hi, and welcome back! First, if you have some time and want to really get back in read the current tactica for LM, its a great writeup about...
Ok, auch, i think there is a lot to be improved in this list. Quite a few things are not optimized, or simply weak. I would strongly consider...
For general use in my games in my store, i think i might take this list against anybody. Could i even take this to a tournament you guys think, i...
Re: Dinosaurs in the Desert, a Lizardmen vs Tomb Kings Tacti You are welcome Scalanex, im only to happy to oblige! Tk is still a rare army to...
Good read indeed, i just think that the TK might have a bit of a resurface because of the buffs they got with ETC (no more hierophant, they can...
Dinosaurs in the Desert, a Lizardmen vs Tomb Kings Tactica As an army that is almost never played in the competitive scene due to the...
In my oppinion this list lacks a bit of bite, where are your monsters, kroxigors, where is your Slann? most lists that do not run slanns have 2...
Seems like one of the more solid Death Star lists out here, because you will be playing at 1500 you will not have to worry as much about spells...
Welcome to the jungle, Carnosaurs are not possible as the others have said, it is however very much posible to start buying an army that builds...
Hello everybody. This is a list i came up with for competetive use, not so much at tournaments so those caviots do not apply but just at my...
Never had any experience doing that, it seems that you are wasting so much potential when you are doing that. I think that the BSB upgrades and...
Re: 8th Edition Tactica Index, Newest Link January 1st 2015 Dear Scalanex After reading almost all entries in your tactica i am impressed, and i...
The list he seems to play is quite death star oriented, so if this is all he has simply try to get your unit of knights in it. Consider using High...