IMO the three best ones from the PT soundtrack are - Rey's theme (my main point of critique being that it sounds a bit too much like Harry Potter...
I think the important thing here is: The system does not work very well for societies, it is made for single characters. A society of chaotic...
Yes and no. You can get away with some stuff. Like values not being in the 1d6, 2d6 or 3d6 range, actions requiring dozens of variables and so on....
No. Absolutely not. You can do some of the stuff you mentioned for computer games, that's correct. That's why your examples are computer games....
I think the main reason why you disagree with each other might be the definitions of the categories. You seem to use the definitions by D&D,...
Yeah the thing about balance is that the meta plays a huge role for tournaments, so pure tournament results might not be the ideal way to judge....
Yeah I also saw it. I guess we should take that one with a good amount of salt.
I don't like the new Firefox icon. The fox has lost its paw and the Earth is now a grape. It is also a bit too abstract for me, and the colors got...
I kinda hope that GW make a statement and release one more Battletome this year. Surprise Seraphon would be great, for example. :D 12 would be an...
Well, we certainly cannot make you like it. :D That's fair enough, there are great songs all over Star Wars and everyone has their favourite...
Did some shading on Arkhan's armor, and a few highlights on his mount's claws.
Ok, I'll start this discussion with a very rough (and incomplete) list. I took it from some guy at TGA, and he based it roughly on some tournament...
Me too. John Williams rules.
Wait, maybe I got you wrong. I thought you were referring to D&D alignment system. Because the outcome doesn't matter much there, it is mostly...
True. Also true. That's the same in D&D. At least during the time when I played, new books with new rules (and power creep) were very real in...
This is so cute. And epic. :)
Tyranids are like animals, aren't they? They just want to eat and breed. That would be neutral. Necrons on the other hand are - AFAIK - driven by...
Guys, please. Y'all can discuss what was said, but I am sure we can do so in a civilized tone.