Muhammad Lee? :D
Glad that the Grots/Gnoblars/whatever are still around with their scrap launchers. My buddy has two of them, and they look so cool. They...
Very fine details!
The latter.
There are several levels of "bans". The lowest level is getting FSK 18, which means that it can be sold openly, but not to anybody who isn't 18....
Yes. However there are classics like Doom, Wolfenstein or River Raid that got un-banned.
Moose are impressive animals. The ones in Norway aren't quite as big as the Canadian ones, but I have met a few in the wild and they are huge and...
IIRC it was illegal in Germany because of "the glorification if violence in a very realistic graphical quality" ...still played it a few times.
Can't decide between Luigi and Yoshi...
I think the trailer looks pretty good. Definitely looking forward to the movie. At the very least it will be a visually interesting movie to...
That's a really nice model! You went the extra mile and painted all the little details. Good job! :)
They are also quite interesting Lore-wise. Sadly they are not very effective right now.
Just for the sake of completeness, (it doesn't matter for this case specifically but I wanted to mention it): that's only true if you are not in...
The only thing I don't 100% like are the Revenants' banners. Sure, they actually make more sense that way (being spirit-stuff like the weapons)...
Last night I read through the new Sylvaneth Battletome, and I am torn between being disappointed that the Wargrove bataillons are gone (I liked...
I LIKE that! :D
I just noticed that technically the Nurgle and Legions of Nagash books as well as those of KO, IDK, DoK and Khorne predate second edition of AoS,...
Me neither. Edit: wait, there is ONE. I think. In Modern Family one of the main characters (Cam) is a clown. He is a genuinely nice guy who loves...
But.... if they become Darkoath that would remove the funny name. Nurgle and Slaanesh dig StDs. :D