Not yet! Thanks for posting!
I have played similar ones. It works.
Btw, concerning Battletome releases: GW is really working through their backlog. If I see that correctly there are only 3 Battletomes that are...
Welcome to Lustria!
Example: A city of humans/dwarves or an SCE garrison holds back Chaos worshippers in an area. Orruks come and kill them, because Waagh. Seraphon...
Me too. :)
For me it is the other way round. Dogs probably (hard to prove but there is research suggesting it) aren't our friends, they are our...
I base coated Arkhan's armor and that of his mount.
Dried blood is brown, not red. So I guess that is just paint.
Agree. I was never a fan of Ogres but this guy looks pretty great. Maybe because of the armor.
Really nice work!
It was actually pretty great for beginners (like me and my buddy) but very soon we saw the need for more rules and points. Which is why we were...
Yep. 1st Edition AoS was a mess, but the new GW staff does a pretty good job IMO.
Well, I think it is a good idea, Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz are a bit different, too. They will probably be a subfaction. Edit: and I agree with...
I like how they write "dice rolls of 1 when making charge rolls", it makes clear that the charge roll still consists of both dice and that this is...
Indeed! That and similar stuff (look up the Moabites and Ammonites for example and where they supposedly came from) is very common. If you can...
Ah! Missed that joke. That's actually a really interesting thing though. "Barbarian" is of Greek origin, and decribes pretty much everyone that...
That's the many consonants following each other and the rather short vowels. You'll get used to it. But especially people whose native language is...
Never heard that one. Do you have any source?
The reality probably just is: I suck at that game. :D