So.... is this part of some sort of weird bow or war machine? [IMG]
Or left wing ones, for that matter. There are equally crazy ones of those. I actually watch some of those. Those theories are popular for a...
Yeah, the headgear is one of the examples where they just overdid it. Side note: that's a pet peeve of mine with GW, they do that very often.
Those contrast paints really help new painters to make early results not look flat. :) Not a bad start at all!
Those are among my favorites as well. Although I'd still kitbash them I think, removing a few elements I don't like.
Maybe at some later point. A few of them. Probably the catapult if I can ally it with my Deathrattle army. But most likely I won't build an army...
I think for me it is mostly the anthropomorphic ones that are just....creeping me out I guess. IIRC the black and white editions had a lot of those.
If they always used the world "rolls" it would actually be OK. However they sometimes use "roll" which is why they had to make clear that throwing...
Same here, for me it is especially the infantry though.
It is also one of the pokemon of which I like all three forms, which is rare. The other plant pokemon I really like is #153 (Bayleef). Probably...
In defense of the YouTube algorithm: I get suggested a wide variety of topics, and often the videos are interesting, challenge my views, and open...
Some good ones there!
The core rules, page 1 "Re-rolls" seem to disagree though. Your interpretation would mean that an ability that allows rerolling a charge roll...
There are no charge rolls of 1, the minimum result is 2 (a "charge roll" is the two dice at once, they are not separate). So IMO no need for a...
I prefer the legs because I think that another floating chair would be really lame, (it would make the Slann comparison more valid though, but...
The legs do look goofy, but IMO the model fits the army. Sure, I wouldn't compare it to a Slann, it is clearly inferior. But in the context of the...
Funny how individual tastes are different. I think that's actually one of the cooler ones. :D
One of my favourites!
I am not even a skater or a fan of skateboarding, but for some reason these videos showed up in my YouTube recommendations. And even though I am...
That sounds interesting!