Darth Sidious must have mutated into the frightening child of an Orangatan and an Oompa Loompa first!
Anyhow, for once Star Wars is the topic you've veered from rather than to. I sense that the mighty @NIGHTBRINGER is less obsessed with Star Wars...
I haven't played the latter, but even if it can compare to Injustice, I can almost guarantee it will pale compared to the Arkham trilogy
Those are some amazing conversions! The purple colour scheme is also really cool!
In my humble opinion at least: Batman and Superman > Iron Man and Captain America Rebirth > Secret Empire Batman The Animated Series, Justice...
That's why Marvel have it in the consistency department. The rest of them you have to admit go to DC though
Not the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog! Look at the bones!
Marvel may have the monopoly on consistently good films, but DC still have it on characters, having the best superhero films, quality of comics,...
Oi, you! I fart in your general direction! Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!
I played another game today, my opponent still using the Khorne contents of the Starter Set plus the Slaughterpriest and me going Stormcast this...
Finally getting round to prepping my resin models and doing my scenery. With the modular ones like the Ophidian Archway and Numinous Occulum, I...
He looks awesome! Great job!
With Dread Solstice nearing its end, I'm intrigued; has anyone been voting on it and if so, for what?
Press home and power at the same time
Can't wait to see how it turns out!
My squad was Darth Vader, Tarkin, Royal Guard, Supercommando and Palpatine. As for uploading images, on an apple tablet at least you go onto...
Finally got Artoo! [ATTACH]