Awesome! Is that the Hallowed Knights scheme?
What's everyone's thoughts on the whole dread solstice thing? Are we all going to work towards the same dilemma choice or just leave it to...
Save it for the Star Wars threads. We have plenty of them already. I am a huge Star Wars fan myself, and even I'm getting a little bit tired with...
Agreed. I'm pretty sure the rank the Star Wars films thread was created specifically for debating. This is supposed to be for jokes!
Personally I like the whole "Rey's parents were nobodies" thing as well. She should be able to be a major character without being part of the...
Been Warhammering with a view today [ATTACH]
His videos are definitely very informative
To be honest I like most things apart from what's in the charts at the moment and rap. Other than that, it's kind of hard to pin my music taste...
A while back I was talking about how there are some places in the world which need a Star Wars planet. I've done a touch of photoshop, and now I...
Looks great!
Just been to the new Star Wars Secrets of the Empire VR experience! Very immersive, and if anyone gets the chance to try it I thoroughly recommend it!
They look great!
Hard not to feel pumped listening to this: [MEDIA] As for my most feel good songs, it's a personal choice but if you've seen Shawshank Redemption,...
Getting hold of training droids hasn't really been a problem for me, although I don't level up my characters that often. While Palpatine getting a...
Just wondering if anybody's still playing this game? There's talk of something big in the works for the one year anniversary of the Darth Nihilus...
It's definitely not a sport I'd choose to play myself, although here in the U.K. it's part of the Physical Education curriculum at school, so most...
My dog old dog Digby when he was a puppy: [ATTACH] When my current dog Derek was a puppy: [ATTACH] And an arty shot of Derek now: [ATTACH]
Of course, if you want a sport for "real men" you go for Rugby. A sport that makes even American Footballers look pathetic
Nice touch with the front "spikes". I have a (now legends) Millenium Falcon owners manual which had a potential upgrade being a different middle...