Nice report and win
Sinbad was brilliant
No as warscroll abilities over ride core rules ;)
Boltspitter and shield
Only in the shooting phase so Boltspitter or Javelin. So for a unit of 40 skinks you have 40 shooting attacks hitting on +3
That’s looking fantastic
They look good ;)
It's about as good as you will get for 500 points, maybe up one skink unit to 30 and the other at 10 depends on what battleplan you get.
It's a Seraphon Allegiance ability, you need the Generals Hand Book 2018
Lords of Space and Time it's the teleport ability
Only thing I have found is in the box with the title Unit Of Wizards Wizards are usually fielded as a unit consisting of just one model. If a...
Can you not fit in Cogs for an extra cast/3 points per turn?
When do Behemoths and Artlllery come in to the league? Only Slann, Kroak and Engine of the Gods can summon, Slann/Kroak through stacking points...
Slann can cast 3 spells so in turn one you cast vortex and cogs, then you have the following, in theory Turn one 3*3+1+D3 (3) = 13 Turn two...
That is a fair comment and your right it is not from the core rules. I have read the core rules umpteen times and still not noticed anything...
Welcome aboard, have a look on Warhammer TV on youtube they have loads of really good videos of painting techniques etc. Download the GW painting...
I've not got that here atm
You need an army for each of the Alliances so you have plenty to give you headaches.
All I can find is this Pg 53 Malign Sorcery bottom left, this points to you can have 2 BWV if you have the models for it. [ATTACH]