Looking good, always nice to see an army almost complete.
Page 53 of the Malign Sorcery book under UNBINDING and DISPELLING In order to dispel an endless spell, first pick an endless spell model within...
Where does it say that?
It's a lovely feeling.
We discussed this last week as I have not seen anything about LoS for dispelling, @Aginor referred to a thread over on TGA.
See that's a tricky one, do you wipe out the unit or leave one or two alive and let them regen as the regen is slower than the summon.
Thing is with drybrushing it is the basis of all your painting, you will use it on every mini you paint, yes you will learn to layer and blend but...
Now that's sorted get that Batrap up ;)
I don't think either party would intend to upset you on purpose, your a very valuable member of this community and you are not seen as a "power...
Yeah a very nice model and what I love is how the slann glows
@darren watson is a very talented player but he is even better at coming up with a list no one else would dream off, but is it his fault, the list...
So it can’t be dispelled by anyone apart from the caster?
Until we get a FAQ about them, yes.
It's on the Rules FAQ pg 2 left hand column under Warscrolls heading 3rd question First one https://www.warhammer-community.com/faqs/
@neveroddoreven Well well time well spent it seems, that is mind blowing, I have a request will you do a tutorial on eyes as I think it will...
I'm going tabletop on almost everything I have atm then and only then am I even trying to paint a decent quality model.
Ebay is my bane, I was thinking of ebaying all the Ironjawz but then I thought again I would only buy something else!
I've so far resisted buying the Nightaunt, I've got the spells to paint and around 40 Seraphon then the Ironjawz.
Link http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/getting-the-most-from-your-start-collecting-seraphon-box.20560/
They look really good, are you going to expand the army?