Generals Handbook 2018 that’s it, rest is available free of GW site, in fact you can get by without GHB by using Warscroll builder. I’m a...
I've only played mine twice both times against my son with Maggotkin and he wiped the floor with me, they are seriously lacking but with the...
Priming the endless spells and Ironjawz later, Waarrrggghhh
You can if you run Kroak, Slann, Bearer and EotG :D
If he regularly plays against a Thunderquake I can see why he thinks we are tanky, especially if the list includes a Slann.
Get a blog started then we can get to work
Shadowstrike and Thunderquake are strong so I would not discount them.
Very nice EotG, did you enjoy painting it?
Only to you guys on here ;) That way if anyone on here bids they can try for a decent price, I would sell privately but then that is down to...
That's a nice list and I reckon Thunderquake is my favorite atm just love all the big dinos. Arcane might does look really strong on paper and I...
This is one of the reasons i think the EotG is so strong
Welcome aboard @Rikard is still active but I don't think he has made anything new. Green colour scheme I suggest downloading the GW paint app...
You could be right, I’ve tried loads of times as well
Not casting but our summoning power is pretty good put aside we can’t cast we sure as hell can summon
He has a point but I wouldn't say anything is broken just strong, I think the EoG is one of our strongest units now especially combined with a Slann
Someone paid £135 for the unpainted ones and I have gone way above what I will accept as you never know what people will pay.
No copyright on the models but yes it may be worthwhile asking
I've just printed, laminated and cut them to size, they are brilliant :)
Looking good ;)
There is a set on at £106 with 3hrs to go but I will take offers