If you do it this way, Kroak can cast in 2 extra spells per round Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Lord Kroak (450) Saurus Eternity Warden (140) -...
Make the Warden your general then he can take a defensive artefact.
If you don't cast yes 26 on turn 2 so you can summon anything on the list.
You can give him what you see fit but Arcane might is good for that missed cast/unbind reroll. Skinks are not going to do much damage but again...
Lets start at the beginning, Thin your paints a bit or apply 2 thin coats to get a nice even coverage, I should do the same. Shade should be...
What about this and use the EoG to summon in 20 skinks and the Slann to bring in others? Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Engine of the Gods (220)...
I use the MDF ones for monsters and cavalry they are solid only thing is sticking the minis too them, superglue or 2 part epoxy, use plastic for...
UK based?
Would there be any benefit from not taking 2 Bearers and no endless spells and including a Slann, The EoG would benefit and you could soon summon...
Yep, roll a dice for each zombie killed in the unit at the end of the combat phase on +6 they return
I get that it just threw me when he said D3 as I had just put the book down with D6 in it. :rolleyes:
I watched a Batrap last night and he rolled a D6 for LoSaT and after a pop up said "Roll a D3 now" but I can't find any rule errata to confirm...
We can sort that if needed ;)
It's because your trying to link it from a source not on this forum, if you copy the picture and save to to your desktop then upload it here...
Reading? are you UK based?
If you give the Slann the Gryph-Feather Charm (Ghur Artefact) he would get, -1 to hit rolls for attacks that target the bearer, cover him with...
Hmmm basilidons.......
That is a TUNE
@Galen and @Dedragon do you 2 have paint blogs? If not get one started I want to see more of your models.