Ethereal Amulet
I'd look at dropping the handlers and taking Cogs if your allowed to go 1760 if not use the 50 points for a CP
Yes but they are oop and very rare
Why not sell a few of the ones your not going to use, Skink Cav would be cool
If you buff him right that 3 times cast is doable and 450 points is good for the potential damage.
They look really natural, I like the jaw and crest it helps frame the model.
Looks like your going to make your money back, I have thought about selling mine as they have never been played.
Nice report and good win, your picture won't load?
Not sure yet but I think using him to collect points is a waste as he has good damage potential, probably cast 2 spells and use the rest for points.
1. The Balewind gives extra range and an extra spell casting slot, not essential but worth it. 2. Kroak is a Slann he has the Keyword on his...
Sunblood and Skelly's look really good ;)
It took me about 6 months to finish my first Stegadon, I just could not be bothered with the Howdah and crew
Very nice start, keep the pics coming ;)
So July is under way, This month I want to finish Arkhan and get the bloody Saurus Cav done! And the endless spells .....
Welcome aboard and nice looking warriors ;)
Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - July 2018 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that...
That's sums it up and good luck in your new job ;)
The models look really good and the colours go well, bases are a major part of the model and should never be ignored. Keep practicing and you...
Well with my standard troops in my death army I just went white primer, wash, drybrush white. It’s really down to what you want to see on the...
He is very talented and a really nice guy