[IMG] The Underpants Gnomes
Giant fish-sausage casing
Do you really want to go down there? .................
I do the same. Either balsa or matches or paddle pop sticks (the last being [ATTACH])
Maybe some metal rings through the back scales then you can hook them up to the palanquin/chariot by either leather straps or chain links
School of Ecognomics
I think it was in the old 4th edition, but it may have followed through in the Ravening Hordes which is what CD went by in 6
I played Chaos Dwarfs right from their introduction. Hobgoblin backstabbers (sneaky gitz) had an automatic lap around after the first round of...
Have a look at this video: [MEDIA] The guy gets some great vibrant yellow by undercoating PINK
Try clear plastic or perspex
[IMG]courtesy of The 9th Age
[IMG]Merry-go-round horses
Sure was. I had chaos dwarves. The death rocket was likely to go anywhere. Across the table, land and spin and fire off again, maybe hitting the...
Gnome-mans land!
I remember when fantasy was fantasy, orcs, lizardmen, skeletons, elves, dwarves. Not these fabricated names and races by GW : Seraphon, orruks,...