[IMG]And speaking of old tech...........how many remember having to do this, especially if it was your favourite tape?
Nothing allowed after this.........................! THE END.
Its not just the shipping. GW have always been exhorbitantly overpriced in Oz. They charge what they can get. Its the reason GW put a ban on...
I have about 6 of the Ikea Deltof display cases. They are great. You can find you tube vids on how to add extra shelves, incorporate lighting and...
Papalugy, I can never see anything you post. Just a small black box with an X in it
You need to be a fan of Dune and know the story. Each player is a different character and each character plays very differently to the others....
I have the original 1979 boardgame [IMG]
What if the Dutch colonised New Holland ahead of the British. Where would Australia be now...?
And in the world of GW.... I had a book by them (or maybe Citadel) (lent to a mate and never got it back) which gave the history of the greenskin...
I'm reminded of the 90's TV series Sliders where in some parallel worlds the Cro-magnons had evolved alongside normal humans, The Kromags
I'm from Oz. We are already half a day ahead of most in the race to 2021. And about 20 years behind in everything else...
If GW did this, guaranteed it would be the armies that I own. Dawi Zharr, Nurgle daemons, Chaos, Lizards, Ogres I also have orcs and gobs and...
1. Dawi Zharr 2. Dawi Zharr 3. Dawi Zharr 4. Dawi Zharr There are no other dwarves. * Dawi Zharr = Chaos Dwarves
Yeah! Looks like they didn't know where to stop with the neck. Maybe the modeller just for a few minutes thought it was a llama or a giraffe
Some language translations are great. Like the Thai word for socks literally means "foot bags"
I would not have thought a pink carno would work, but this is fantastic. Everything is so well done. From the base up its magnificent. 12 out of...