Woodland scenic realistic water then added the waves with woodland scenic water effects, I painted the base blue/grey around his body then while...
And Finished the Slann off gave his hands a wash etc. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Finished the Troglodon that has been made from the left overs from the Start Collecting box [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
I think your right, bring skinks in to block or grab objectives and cast spells otherwise your sinking points into summoning and that stops one of...
You don't have to mould it, just create lines, keep your sculpting tool wet and honestly you will be amazed at how easy it is. ;) I just finished...
If you follow the tutorial you end up with a lot of extras from the box, it's pretty easy to do with minimal converting skills need, I tried to...
Start Collecting Troglodon made from spare parts is finished, 3 Necromancers 50% done, rebased my snake slann and finished the base for my other...
Just to add a bit more on the base, a wash will tone down the plants but make sure you key them off, use a scotch pad to lightly score the...
@NIGHTBRINGER @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl @Chicken Lips @n810 might be able to comment on your list :)
Yeah I thought that after I posted :confused:
Holy shit, you have just made me pack up my green stuff and stick it back in the drawer. Excellent stuff and great detailing, you should do a...
You could use a plastic dino kit?
You want them around 3mm thick, rare earth magnets range in sizes but the two I use the most are 5*3mm and 10*3mm
But will that Carnosaur do more damage than Kroak if he was casting?
Yeah the link is below in my signature
That Carny looks great, very clean painting so far and those bases look brilliant. ;)
Yeah that's why I stuck it up, he is either wrong or we are missing something about the endless spells.
Looking at the video I can only see a Guardian of souls which can only attempt one unbind and one cast, are the rules for the endless spells...
He defo says dispel in the video
Around 49 minutes he dispels the Aethervoid pendulum and recasts it with match winning results.