Nice start, always good to see new painters joining the ranks, if your stuck or need and advice just ask away.
I can see it being asked for a FAQ
Were not sure as it says "Abilities" and CD is a spell under the heading "Magic"
Getting there now ;)
What about the additional attacks of the rippers....should now generate a lot more beak attacks Ripper are back to what they do best
Couple of things to watch out for. 1. Always send items signed for, never send it without, trust me it's worth it. 2. Don't guess at postage...
I know what your saying, the heads don't look right.
Yes it's new and will make people think twice when removing models.
It's actually around 9 pages the rest is battleplans etc
The trouble is Matt aka @woogity is working on TW2 so that is his priority, we have asked him numerous times to sell the files but to no avail....
I hope your right but with CD coming under the "MAGIC" heading and not "ABILITIES" I know Magic is a subheading but it is a heading
It says under Wizards, pg 8 "you cannot attempt to cast the same spell more than once in the same turn" hope I'm wrong but I think the...
Unfortuanetly not... Kroaks Abilities are Dead for Innumerable Ages Celestrial deliverance is a spell and can only be cast once
Looking good but please finish the bases, your models will look 100% better with the base done. What don't you like on the fin of the Trog?
I think @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl will find these interesting.
Just started rebasing him last night.
Don't give GW ideas .......
This guy has some nice water effect vids
They look really good, nice job on the bases as well.