For us war gamers perhaps, but most people I know would find the rules already a bit complicated and a hard game for beginners to get into. It...
Welcome aboard! No criticism from me, that miniature looks stunning!
I was actually given this exact poster they used in the cinema as a souvenir for my private screening (couldn't find a decent photo online)! [ATTACH]
Welcome aboard! Those conversions look stunning!
I love the Stormcasts, they look awesome!
He might not be your cup of tea, but you've got to admit Boba Fett looks pretty awesome in that photo
Order: Seraphon: 1x Slann Starmaster 1x Saurus Oldblood (Carnosaur) 1x Saurus Oldblood (Foot) 1x Skink Starseer 1x Engine of the Gods 1x...
I kind of hope they don't. It sounds like too much of a fan-fictiony plot to me
Not The Last Jedi but still a new important Star Wars release, 15 mins until Rebels season 4 premieres in the U.K.!
I honestly didn't notice anything wrong with the CGi
Rogue One is my favourite Star Wars film out of all of them. You have modern, super slick visuals, awesome battles on a huge scale, and tons of...
Welcome aboard!
I only discovered it in about March, and I've already watched it four times
My favourite film
Army's really coming on now! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]