A nice story: There once was a knight dressed in black and white garb, riding a black and white horse. He decided to get married to a princess...
Those are some really amazing models!
Whoa! Those are unbelievable!
That is stunning work!
Along with AoS, I also quite like the Star Wars X Wing Miniatures game
I quite like some of the songs from the Skyrim soundtrack, although that doesn't seem quite the style you're looking for
I think they do a mixture. They have to put it characters to appeal to the masses or else they wouldn't be able to get the masses in, but they do...
Here's another good one, if not for the Seraphon then for The Mortal Realms in general: [MEDIA]
I'm Imperial, although I haven't actually joined a side. But that's where my sympathies lie. I'm also actually playing it right now!
They look brilliant!
One thing I've been thinking about recently is how not every country has a Star Wars planet equivalent. Britain for example doesn't really have...
I'm not a fan of football either. If you're going to make me play a team sport, I'd probably go with cricket - I'm stereotypically British that...
They are pretty awesome. That's a great pose for your Terradon rider
That's very impressive!
That Bastilodon is looking good!
I can't help you much with tactics, but welcome to the forum! Personally, my view is to buy the models you like the most and want to...
No criticism from me, that looks brilliant!
They look fantastic!