Well my point was that maybe we should use more units of 10 man not more than 20 :p Aginors' example is a good one though :)
Wouldn't he kill all of them after battleshock phase ? I mean 4 would wither away from his ability and then most of his attacks deal 2damage so I...
One that if he picks to attack your skinks before you can Wary Fighter it will badly hurt him so he has to pick the other battle and your skinks...
As I haven't got the units to play my complete skink army - what I intend to do since day one pretty much - I really am looking forward into seing...
Meh I was never astonished by it's sculpt but I cannot avoid seing it as a big rat after reading your comment. Unfortunately it seems to be right...
My thoughts exactly. The "must charge within 12"" is huge. What if that unit within 12" was far away from where it matters ? With a combination of...
Mistakes made aside that was an extraordinary battle report. I loved how you shared your thoughts after the battle and consider this to be one of...
For newcomers - or more likely come backers hehe - like me, armies like these truly inspire me to keep working on my army :)
This is a really unique paint scheme and a really cool one as well :cool: What kind of colors did you use for the shields ? Really nice !
Holy smokes.. you are an excellent painter if I dare say and able to pick some really astonishing color combinations :eek:
Seems pretty straightforward. Good luck ! Looking forward to the battle rep !
Can't recall the thread but our more experienced players have already answered this sensible question : It's in every Combat Phase - your...
Hello everyone ! As the title suggests, my question is about old bloods' on foot Command Ability. If a unit is already in combat with another...
I also may drop Starseer in order to fit Oldblood on Carno in since his ability seems much more realiable. My dices are always low so 6s is...
Thank you so much @Bowser ! I ll probably drop the Sunclaw and go for the 2nd list you proposed. I ll just make the Saurus into a big block of...
The idea of playing Bloodclaw grows inside me the last couple of days. Could anyone suggest me a Bloodclaw form of my list just in case I go for...
Hello FaBa ! 1. You can make an oldblood on foot from the Carno Kit! 2. Both of our flying units are really strong and dependable. They have...
This list is a little bit slow but other than that seems really strong in paper !
So is anyone from the more experienced players willing to keep there ideas, categorize them and make a poll in order to send our top ideas to GW...
Ahahah oh man.. of course they don't ! :(