That were my thoughts exactly when I realised that this might be the case. But asking advice from experienced players is something I 'm always...
Hey guys ! So I was wandering : Do the Terradons riders only benefit from the "Trap is sprung" at the shooting phase ? Since they have the...
Maybe take out the priest, take the chamos and then a cowboy on cold one with relic for damage / buff ? Sun blood rocks but you definitely are...
I am most likely going with @Bowser 's advice but if anyone else has a different opinion to share, I will more than happy to hear it as I wanna...
He only comes out in 1 inch though so you gotta charge them. Still a fun option!
I returned after 7 years pause 18-25. I m positive that a 10 year old will return while he matures up a bit. I never wanted to quit but I couldn't...
This could be FAQed. It's an interesting question, let's see if more experienced players already know the answer !
I'm a fan of starseer as he's the special skink he is but your suggestion seems to be the solution I was looking for. Definitely felt like my army...
I think that it is not once per game but doesnt stack : You could for example wound 5 different models and they would all get the -1 ?
Hey there once again guys ! I 'm gonna participate in a tournament in 2 weeks or so and I would like your opinion about my list ( not ideal, more...
Guys how does the idea of collecting all of our ideas, put them in order and sent to GW by one of us as feedback for future ideas sound ? After...
Really good, I hope mine will end up as good !
You did ? Well then, I 'll give another shot to the small groups as well, thanks for the insight :D
Sunclaw is really nice but I'm afraid it will not pay back its points with only 3 units of 10 warriors. They will definitely deal some damage but...
Really nice battle report, congrats ! Looking forward for more !
I honestly didn't see this one coming. Never considered that they could actually come in handy !
Daym if we get to take another dinosaur.. our - already most beautiful army - will go over the top in coolness ! :D
One of the best battlereps ! Awesome tournament and excellent write up ! Let the mistakes aside, well done ! Your comments with your thoughts are...
Can we please arrange as a forum to comment into Age of Sigmar page in facebook ? :D These salamanders.. Seriously it's bad commercial for games...
This actually seems pretty solid on paper. Looking forward to hearing how it did !