Is this list gonna have serious trouble against many armies since it doesn't have any rend or my local is just too competitive ? :p
I 've never played a similar list so my opinion doesnt derive from experience, but I think that the 10 saurus knights don't really stack with the...
Wow, well done ! Could be our strongest unit right now on account of what you pay / what you get :)
rofl good one ahaha :p:D
I am still looking forward to your advice ! Sorry for the spam
My personal experience with 40man block so far : Needs to be practiced. As a new player I responded pretty well into playing the game generall,...
Says a "DEVOTED OF SIGMAR" which I guess you can't cast on us ? And does he exist solo in AoS ? Couldn't find him
I would try to swarm him with cheap, non rend attacks and let the statistics do their job :p
When planning an army, always bear in mind that what you want to do is play the objectives, not the armies, so never leave mobility out ! Before...
Far from trolling I assure you. The color combinations are amazing and by the way, picking the color combinations is always the hardest part for...
This is one really really useful post and I think it should be pinpointed in order to be accessible easily ! Thank you very much @Killer Angel !
What armies were you against besides Tzeentz ? Did any of them felt a worse opponent for your list due to his mobility or anything else ?
Congrats, well done !
Wow these are some amazingly painted cold ones ! This is not the section for it but may I please ask how did you paint the whitish parts? :D
Congrats ! Looking forward to the battlerep ! :D
Wouldn't 20 be 480 points for attacks without any rend ? Definitely doesn't seem like TAC. Except if you wanna go vs horde ?
The 2+ -> 6 wounds imbalance of destruction aside, I saw a Tzeentz battlerep this morning.. let's just hope you won't face them because they dish...
This is one really good looking army ! I hope one day my own will be completed and if it ll be half as beautiful as yours, I will be more than...
Yes you piled in correctly and you had the right to use both. I have asked a similar question about both opponents using their quicksilver potion...
Well done ! Keep it up !