Sweet! I've been excited to see the actual models. Thanks.
Resistance is futile.
I really dig McQuarrie's art for the movies.
I don't know if I can say that Disney would have made a trilogy superior to the EU, but we'll never know. I didn't totally hate The Force Awakens....
Artisan Guild has a pretty cool looking March release. Swamp Gurunda, or Frog People. It has a nice Slann proxy and possibly a decent Kroxigor...
These lists are options for an upcoming (hopefully) friendly battle with Orks. Some of the model choices are based on what I have, plus some old...
What a great post. Your ascension was done with style, panache and a generous giving back to the LO community. Congratulations!
That does look cool. I just don't see how they can get away with models that look so close to GW (or Total War) designs.
I had missed this post, but holy smokes how true is this!?
Most of this conversation is over my head. I guess it won't really matter after our new battletome comes out next month. ;) (joking of course)
Could a unit of 5-10 Temple Guard hold off, or defeat, the Palladors? EDIT: In looking over the SCE warscroll, I'm ticked that the Pallador's...
I'm such the odd ball. I've actually grown to think of Ep. 1 as the most "Star Wars-like" of the PT. It still isn't a great movie (to me), but it...
Someone voted for the ST? That's cool. It's okay to be wrong. I'm wrong about stuff all the time. Except Star Wars... I'm always right about Star...
I do hope they don’t alter the Oldblood on Carno in the Sunclaw battalion. I think it’s a good boost for saurus. That battalion would be a little...
True. But you need to have more than one kit to have a ripper unit plus ripper chief, so at least 2 toads. It would be cool if the ripper chief...
I agree that all of those units could use some attention. Especially the poor Eternity Warden. I just can't really figure out a place for him....
Personally, I don't think the Troglodon fits to give saurus a bonus. Although I do wish saurus had a bit more love. Trogs obviously seemed focused...
I know it's probably a fool's hope, but seeing the new wight king and Belakor models makes me think very hard about that "lizard on a rock" rumor...
Watch out for the White Walkers.