I wondered about that too. I assume it's a Lumineth summoning an elemental spirit of some kind (probably air/wind).
Go, Roy!
Oh, I didn't really realize that. I haven't read any of those stories on the site. Thanks!
No lizards in this reveal. Humbug! The vampire models from Underworlds look cool. Once again, some of the "one off" models are really fun. But,...
I don’t think that’s the case, as far as I know. They have the HERO keyword and there’s nothing in the errata.
Maybe it could have been interesting if the Necroquake had re-summoned/re-awakened Settra, and the Ossiarch Bonereapers was Settra's response to...
I found these and thought they were worth sharing. Cold Ones https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/reptile-people-dinosaur-mounts [IMG] [IMG]
In fairness, I'm not angered by it, even if I disagree with parts of. I find it fun to talk about (and sometimes even debate) SW. @Lord Agragax of...
Indeed. I tried to look back as well. I may have been remembering the spiked mace that ended up being part of the new Slaanesh stuff.
Ha ha. I know. Mostly, I was just trying to be funny. I still disagree with several of the comparisons though.
@Imrahil, Didn't the other revealed vampire's mace solve a rumor engine as well? I can't remember, but I thought so.
Umm... nope.
Ahh, the power swirl of Lord Kroak's spirit defenders! To go along with the recent small lizard rumor. Or, some Celestial sh!t...
That's fair. I thought of that. But, for most of AoS they were just Ironjawz with those same unit types.
Maybe another Slaanesh demon?
If they make vampires as actual units, then I guess this will be another "SCE-style/Bonereapers-sytle" army. Meaning, expensive units with fewer...
And Ironjawz have (and have had) just three general units, Brutes, Gore-gruntas and Ardboyz.
I think there are some rumors of lycanthropes being in the upcoming undead releases. If so, maybe as a part of the Soulblight update? I remember a...
Hmm...Disney's a tough one. I've enjoyed many of the Disney movies for my entire life, and all of them have some connection to the nostalgia of my...
Thanks, but it's a special rule restriction of just one hero for the 1000pt list.