I think this might be because people tend to react emotionally to things they like. Why do many Americans (English, French, etc.) love America...
So certain, are you? :p
Just in my stint here on the forums, the number of times I've read this sentiment (and thought this same thing). Based on it being repeated...
I have a friend who has had several cats over the years. He's the only person I've met that could call his cats by name and ONLY that cat would...
Space Dwarves? Now, that's a name I've not heard for a long time... A long time.
I agree that it's either Chaos or Xenos/40K. Whatever this is, it looks on the smaller size, based on the brush strokes we can see. Still, it...
I agree on the possible Chaos/Slaanesh, or the Warcry suggestions. Just to propose an alternative, could it be something else for Necrons?
Thanks! That's good info. :)
Thanks @Erta Wanderer! I've noticed that LoN seems to have older warscrolls, rules wording, etc. I'd like to ask for some clarification, if you...
I have a friend who plays LoN, Sacrament specifically. They have an artifact, called the Shroud of Darkness, that says to subtract 1 from all hit...
I hadn't realized it before, but I can see the Terrorgheist skull now. It could actually be pirate vampires. They would be undead and still have...
Based on the silhouette, do you think this could be some of the "pirate-themed" images that have been teased?
RIP David Prowse. Thank you for helping to bring to life one of my favorite movie characters. :(
Darn. I tried to get here to post this first. Ha ha. I like the look of this character, and I think it would make a nice alternative Skink...
How many times can I LIKE this?!
I think it's interesting how popular and thematically rich the Old World still feels. People are still flocking to Warhammer b/c of the Old World....
I tend to agree with you on this, @Lizards of Renown. Not that I wanted GW to blow up the old world, but what was the point if you're just going...
Sure thing. I was just following @NIGHTBRINGER as I thought it was a courteous thing to do. Have fun! I think the show is worth watching, as it...
Whoa! The glowing red eyes on those wolves are really effective. Well done.