Wow! I'm always impressed with this community. Thank you for all of the good suggestions so far. We have tried Path to Glory battles, but that...
There are 4-6 players in my AoS group. The four mains are SCE, Orruks (with some trolls & ogres occasionally), Khorne and LoN. There is a...
Look at some of the Dracothian's Tail color schemes for Seraphon. Very similar color combo.
Snip, snip. Shave, shave. Some of the spines are probably easier than others. I almost cut off some of the spines just cleaning the flash line.
Another likely undead image. Looks like a possible bone wing with stretched skin. OR, maybe the ideas about vampire pirates is correct and this is...
Those are beautiful sculpts! If you pre-order are they actual minis or stl files?
I checked out the Lizard City based. They are very cool! Thanks. More decisions. Great paint job too.
Thanks for posting this @Warden and Yes, that's one of my concerns too. Still they look more dynamic than the current cold ones. If you had a new...
That's a pretty neat looking base. Did you 3D print it, make it or is it purchased?
@Warden these look pretty cool! Do you think a saurus knight would fit on one of those?
I like the idea of a golem activated by Ur-gold runes. Based on the some of the artwork, maybe even Fyreslayer cavalry or slayers on flying...
Maybe it's just updated models for LoN? Or perhaps a vampire warband for Underworlds or Warcry?
You could also look into some of the 3D printed models out there. The first ones that jumps to mind are the minis from Lost Kingdom Miniatures or...
Something for Sylvaneth would be cool. I'm guessing Black Stone Fortress or Underworlds.
"Fun" is somewhat relative, I guess, so it depends on what you enjoy. - The army has an aesthetic that I like and I generally think the models are...
Hmm... quite possibly Tyranids. But then I see the chain and I think Dark Elves (Cities of Sigmar)?
Last Sword Miniatures has a "slann" on "stegadon" (a la Mazdamundi) in their October Patreon. Looks pretty cool....
Love those windows, @Imrahil. There's a very similar window tutorial with some YouTube crafters like DM Scotty or Black Magic Craft. It's cool to...
Jabba the Hutt Ugnaught Sy Snootles Tessek Admiral Ackbar Snaggletooth Kylo Ren IG-88 Nien Nunb Ki-Adi-Mundi This was a little tougher than I...
Werewolf Pirates? Were-pirates?