Ok @IggyStarhost listen up, we all had crap painting skills, practice, practice is the key. We don’t care how good you paint we just love seeing...
But but what if Nagash conquering all is part of the great plan?
Vargheist finished, barrels of paint done for my warpainter
True and I agree, Death and Maggotkin don't work like that so why should we be restricted.
Yeah I get that, I just read it as we can have 2000 points on the table AND then summon in a unit, but we don't know yet maybe we can?
I'm not sure with Death they only summon back a unit that has been destroyed in the game so you never have more than the point value, unless I've...
True but I bet players will try to pull it off ;)
Ohhh yesss, spend 3 command points and you could get 480 attacks from 40 skellys, come to daddy (all theory of course)
If they are updating warscrolls I would envisage a new Battletome
Yeah that's how I read it as well.