Well that makes me feel a lot better about trying to improve, if you would have said they can knock a display quality model out in a week!
Maybe the rule of 1 is changing.
@Ritual Did the Eavy metal crew give you an indication as too how many hours they spend on a model?
Haha, I have 4 down to 000 I use 1 and 00 the most
Strange you say that about W&Ns7 I thought my size 4 was a counterfeit (bought on ebay) it was that poor, bought 2 more from an online art...
You don't need Citadel paints there are other makes that are cheaper, Army painter, Vallejo, Scale 75 etc
@Ritual After you attending the Eavy metal weekend I have youtubed and googled a few things and I see what you mean when you said "forget...
Yeah it's looking good and I can't wait for the new GHB to drop
I think it's needed, magic was crap and needed something to give it well, magic, how endless the spells will be is what I have been wondering. I...
Yep ;)
Yep I agree a waste of a character
Excellent again :)
Or use the app which is £0.99 per month which again is worth it.
For every army in my collection I have bought the army book, warscrolls, so I have spent £200ish on just them but I want to buy them. I will buy...
Looks like I'm going to have to book on a course :rolleyes:
Fill up with Razordons they don't really need handlers, handlers extend the range of the missle attacks for Salamanders from 8" to 12" and for...
My votes are in All the entries are fantastic but my votes went to @Chicken Lips @Joshua Horchler @Ritual well done guys ;)
@Ritual Thanks for the detailed summary of every piece. Taking on board what you have said I may go back and look at adding more detail etc....
Your not far away, you just need ushabti bone further up and extend the rhinox hide
Minimum size unit so you can't just have one on it's own.