It would make most SC boxes better value as you can use all the models
It's a shame you don't have more big dinos I would have gone Thunderquake and used skinks as screens, with what you have a Kroaknado list might be...
We do try and helping people get the most from a kit is really rewarding, thank you for the kind words :)
Lock them in a cupboard ;)
Oh yes, I will be.
I need to get another one, keep putting it off.......
That looks good but I can see ebay being flooded with SCE from the set :D Looks like my savings are spent!
Yeah I agree, the new spells Death have can cause a lot of problems for any army
You have to play the objective as much as possible, Death just don't die, well they do but they don't stay dead :D We lack hard hitters to take...
You would
You can also set the banner to stay on your favorite picture ;) Left click on your name top right then select Header preferences
Now we all like @Ritual but creating a link to him is taking it a tad far :D
Ohhh motivation to paint the damn Saurus Cav.
You should be fine then, it's something I need to look at as I have 4 cases atm, 3 have Seraphon in.
I think you may be ok but might still need 2 [MEDIA]
Yes it was limited and the price on ebay is not a saving on buying the models separately, depending on where you live? you can find online discounts.
Me three
Looking promising for these markers, I just hope they are not too expensive.
I wouldn't jump into 2.5k straight away, start small and build up too it.
What point level are you playing? Taking the max size unit is cheaper