In theory if a Slann general with bearer does not cast he can generate 9+1+D3 per turn so you could generate 26 points in 2 turns Kroak can...
Looks really good, whats happening Saturday?
I've added a link to the first post but I think the threads should be separate as this thread is purely about the Seraphon changes were as the...
Maggotkin summoning points are 28pts for a GUO will our max be 28 if so we could potentially summon it in turn 2
Great unclean one is 28pts
Fett is next and I hope that is good as he is my favourite character. Rumoured to be released next year?
I think I’m wrong on that but sure I saw it somewhere
You can only summon each unit once per battle, that's how it is for Maggotkin so I bet it's the same.
Oh shit hang on I read it wrong so if he does not cast he could have 13 points plus the D3 for the bearer, now that changes things alot.....
True but after your first turn you would have between 5 and 7 points if your Slann is general, didn't cast and one bearer, 6 points needed so...
Still a lot of points tied up if you want to generate points
Almost mandatory to take a Slann and Bearer to generate enough points and take a Skink priest with feathered cloak to unleash endless spells away...
$250 million before marketing is a far chunk but it will make money
Around $130/150 million was expected in takings in it's first weekend, $103 taken
Nice job, I like how you added the spot colours to draw the eye, maybe put up how you did the base as I'm sure some will want to nick the idea.
I liked it, getting the back story of Han and Chewbacca was cool and some interesting parts which I won't mention so I don't spoil anything. But...
Depending on the objectives, shadowstrike could win you a game and if your dice are hot you never know.
If the majority of the model is going to be red, yellow, orange, white, cream use a white primer any other colour use grey or black, black hides...
Unfortunately no link or files have been made available, we have tried numerous times to get this information but no joy
Welcome aboard Paul, If we can help you in anyway just ask away.