Don't get me wrong, I do like him and I do think Gotrek is a strong model. It was fun to play with such a melee monster and he did well in my...
Yeah. Which reinforces my fears that Deathrattle will be replaced by the new dudes. Two Mortarchs for one faction is weird. Perhaps Arkhan has to...
Not going to repost the (Spanish) Ossiarch Battletome leaks from 4chan, but some of that stuff does look cool. A bit... over-engineered though. I...
Can anyone explain the joke to me?
That's such a fun idea. :)
Sorry but comparing them in combat to each other directly is not a good way of comparison at all. That's like saying a Slann or Lady Olynder are...
What the hell. He is right with many things he says, but he is horribly wrong with others. First: humor is NOT a male property. That's laughable...
The thing is: if he has only that limited amount of roles he can fulfill, then you might ask about his price. What I often do is: Look at your...
That's a great video, and very true for me.
With all the memes and single line posts you make I am pretty sure that not even 5% of your posts are longer ones (longer than, say, 100 words)...
For me it is Sylvaneth (Wood Elves in this poll) or Legions of Nagash which is... Vampire Counts I guess. And the thing with Legions of Nagash...
So, I played him last night (proxy) against my buddy's (not yet optimized) Nighthaunt army. He rocked the game pretty well. Chainrasp Horde did...
Interesting question. @Canas quite often makes pretty long posts. Not as long as @Scalenex makes his, but still substantial. @NIGHTBRINGER posts...
One thing we haven't mentioned yet: Making an awesome Saurus hero and playing him with Gotrek rules is an option. Similar to the awesome giant...
Here is a list. The two "allied" Slanns represent Gotrek's points. Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Slann Starmaster (260) - General Skink...
I might proxy the one Fyreslayer model I have (from the Silver Tower set) and play it with Gotreks warscroll tonight. Just for the lulz.
Also a little known thing: The last line in ROTS is spoken by C3PO. The first line in ANH is by C3PO, too. It was probably meant to symbolize...
Congrats @Scalenex!
Agree, there is incredibly bad stuff in the EU as well. I disagree with the specifics though, Kyle Katarn is one of my favourite EU characters for...
Oh I just noticed that I went on a tangent and haven't said anything about Dave Chappelle yet. I haven't seen the show as I don't have Netflix,...