Yeah it looks considerably less rat-like than the Forgeworld model. However... I am not sure whether I like the Skink Howdah. I always imagined...
That's very stylish! Would love to see it as a motorcycle helmet.
For me YoungRippa is also quite good, but I regularly find myself disagreeing with him fundamentally. I'd say I agree with him to about 60% which...
The orange-blue color contrast is pretty cool though. :D
I think I would like that. But that's the kind of name GW would never pick as it it impossible to copyright.
Why not both? :D
Yep I think we have a "winner". But that's actually something good I think. It means GW is reluctant to drop relatively new miniatures unless...
I painted some Horns, claws, and teeth of Arkhan's Dread Abyssal.
Does anyone of y'all know how old the Skycutter was? Was it 7th or 8th edition?
Oh and @all my friends in the southeast of the USA: Stay safe over there! That hurricane looks like it could get really bad.
Going to try and finish Arkhan.
One for the soccer fans: [MEDIA]
I sometimes used this one: You upload the file, then add the captions and see a preview. You can then save the...
Got myself a Oculus Rift S (VR gaming headset). Pretty impressive, especially for simulation games.
That was only a temporary setback.
Because it is great fun, and a challenge for dexterity. ...and also I can open some locks without keys (my own and those of people that agree. I...
They were in the way of the Great Plan.
In my Tiktaq-to campaign I spent 100 turns fighting Tomb Kings so that would be something to look forward to.
Good job winning nonetheless, and thanks for the report!