There is a Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen video I haven't seen on YouTube! Thanks for posting, I just love those guys. I've watched hours over...
Most likely they are more visible than on the right side, just because the left is far more acceptant of them as the right. The right side uses...
This just in: Antifa is not even close to the category of people like the KKK and other crazy racists. They may be asses, and violent asses to...
I usually like my armies pure, I don't even play with allies except if they fit particularly well, an example being Wanderers and Sylvaneth. The...
I think I like what I see. Reasoning: - I like cavalry, and that skeletal rhino mount is right up my alley. I hope there is more skeleton cavalry....
I like them and I am intrigued by them. I hope they soon get a rework so they are worth playing, too.
I am intrigued. It is basically how to sculpt a dick. But in a tasteful way. It is a common thing in many historic pieces of art. Thanks for posting!
Haters gonna hate. :D
Interesting thoughts about Gods here! As for the Slann: they are so iconic, I'd be very sad if they were going.
Huh. I don't quite understand why they were axed, IMO they look pretty cool/disgusting just like they should.
If they were expensive enough I'd like that. 220 points or so.
Welcome! Yeah there are rumors about a Seraphon book. It might or might not come. Seraphon at the moment are not super easy to play, but not too...
I think if all our Saurus got an additional wound that would make them a lot more viable. For guards I think they should become really elite, with...
Yeah, that sucks. He is my favourite Avenger, just because he is.. basically a normal dude with a bow that for some reason can keep up with gods...
Welcome to Lustria!
Welcome! I agree with @LizardWizard. That's a nice little list to learn playing the game. And people will most likely be OK with you playing the...
Same here. I really really want to like Guards, I love how they look and like tanky lists, and the Eternity Warden is a great model (even though...
I wrote the 13,000th word of my new Seraphon story today. I might start releasing the first two chapters soon-ish, or finish the story first. I am...
I think renaming all of them to "Warhammer" store is probably a good idea. Many people don't know what Games Workshop is, but Warhammer is a kinda...