Oh! I couldn't find any info on that. Thanks @Grotpunter. Hmmm....
I found this one online that looks pretty cool. I thought it was made from the base of Nagash, but it's not. So, it might be "handmade". Maybe you...
Hi all, Is anyone doing dagger conversions for their skinks? If so, how are you going about it?
They are a WHFB wood elf unit in AoS under the Cities of Sigmar army. EDIT: Ha ha. @Erta Wanderer beat me to it.
Dang! I did not realize that. Well, that's another rule that I bet my friends and I would have not considered "movement" to break that bonus. Hmm...
Wait, if your opponent charges your eternal guard unit, but picks a different unit to fight first, then you can't pile in and fight b/c that...
I must confess, counting charge and pile in as a "move" where I can drop boulders feels like gamesmanship to me. I guess I can get on board with...
Or that could make your slann even more of a target?
That's a nice looking skink alpha. Is that Contrast pink? What are the scales, if you don't mind me asking?
Yes... I'm also disappointed that the glyphs don't seem to mean anything in this model (as far as we know). I was really hoping GW would do that...
Hi everyone. Sorry for the thread necromancy, but there might be a small update. Rocket Pig Games has out a new Kickstarter for more minis....
There's a good chance one of the many Etsy 3D miniature sellers could buy the files/rights to print.
I agree. That's a beauty of a Stegadon so far, @Explodingzeb.
Meanwhile we get an army trait and a terrain piece that are potentially detrimental to us (I'm looking at you Cold-Blooded and Realmshaper),...
Ah. I haven't really read the spell closely, so I assumed you HAD to move it every round. That's interesting.
I'm kind of an idiot, so can someone help me with the Aethervoid Pendulum Endless Spell? Why is the bound version included so often and how does...
@Itepixcauh, one of the things I really like is seeing you use mixes of contrast paints. I don't find that much in other tutorials, mostly just...
How cool. Thanks @Imrahil. Yes, it would be a much angrier and awake slann, but that "caster hand" was part of what interested me. The troggoth...
Has anyone tried using a Fellwater Troggoth as the base for a slann proxy? I was looking at them today, and think they have a rather squat,...