Sorry for the mini "Like Bomb". I was behind on checking out these posts. Really cool and creative work, as usual, @Warden.
Wow! You are flying through these very nice paint jobs. Well done. Hmm... just when I was set on building my RSE with vines, I see yours to...
I'm baaack. I just found these Garmr models on They are from Clay Cyanide Miniatures and I think they could make great Razordon proxies....
I’m not 100% sold on a whole new Death faction. I think it’s part of an Underworlds or WarCry warband. To me, Vampire Pirates seem to fit that...
Lovely paint jobs! Did you use an airbrush? What colors did you use for the saurus?
There are MANY better list reviewers on here, but my general impression of the list is that you will struggle with speed. I do like the Sunclaw...
Yikes! You did have to put some work into lightening that weathering. One of my frustrations with the weathered sabers from SF is that they're SO...
The both look good. I really like the look of the Oldblood, and the limited palette you used. I feel like there could be some red on his crest to...
I really dig all of those. The Arbiter is one of my favorite designs from SF, and the Luke RoTJ inspired one looks great with the weathering. Have...
Yeah... I didn't exactly make this hilt for spinning. It has too many "greeblies." I'd probably drop it anyway. Ha ha! All of my parts are from...
As usual, you bring up fair points and good descriptions. Patton wasn't exactly a nice guy, but a good general. I think the show has skewed my...
Sweet! Ultrasabers are great for the price and Saberforge has some really cool designs. However, I have heard that the owner of SF is a bit of a...
I wouldn't mind seeing a series based loosely on some of the old Star Wars comics (or even new interpretations) that follow Han, Luke & Leia and...
Have I ever posted images of the "lightsaber" I built a few years ago? A very fun, but expensive, project. It's not really finished as it still...
I don't know, the Lost finale was pretty bad too. Then, there's the "finale" of the Skywalker saga... wait, I'm confusing threads. Ha ha ha.
@NIGHTBRINGER, since you started this thread, I appreciate that you (and @Scalenex) added some discussion for your picks. In general, I like your...
The Leader: Jon Snow ($4) The Magic: Bran Stark ($5) or Melisandre ($4) The Strategist: Tyrion Lannister ($2) The Fighter: Brienne of Tarth ($2)...
Wow! Those Lumineth wardens look coo... *snap*. (I'll just set down these broken spear tips)
Hi guys. I found some possible 3D salamander proxies models from Gloomy Kid Minis. The first are the Snapdragon models on their My Mini Factory...