Hi @DenDamian. I haven't painted nearly as many minis as you, so you can take anything I say with a grain of salt. Contrast can speed up you're...
Nice looking list. It's a minor nitpick, but it should be the Firelance Temple-host. The points are the same, so it's not a big deal. Good luck!
Hi @Greenj92, I was just quickly replying earlier when I said the photo could have been color corrected. I'm sorry I wasn't more helpful with...
Thanks for Core Rules reference @Grotpunter!
Don't forget that many photos are also color corrected/adjusted. That blue you see in the photo may not be as "blue" if you were to see it in person.
Ok. Good. Thanks for clarifying.
To possibly add to the craziness. I just read on a 40K forum that if an attack turns into multiple hits on a certain dice roll, those additional...
Stormcast Knight Roboticus.
Great suggestions. Thank you @Ryanj4043
Hi all, I'm toying with a troglodon color concept based loosely on "otachi", one of the kaiju from the movie Pacific Rim, and kind of the movie...
Oops, I missed that. Thanks.
This would be a good Starborne list for Fangs of Sotek, too.
I always thought it meant the wound characteristic on the warscroll and NOT the current wound level of a model. But, I'm sure someone better will...
I know a lot more has been debated about the RSE after this comment. @Grotpunter I just want to say that I hear you, but I don't totally agree....
I think I fall on the other side. Being garrisoned is part of the pain with the RSE (as has been stated with Kroak). If it just did the terrain...
Two snakes, facing each other... but they're one! Over a black sun... black moon.
I think it's the green potion for me. I do wish it would grant even more languages (i.e. Cypher from "New Mutants"). I know that fluency in...
Thanks for the replies! @Blighboy, yes, my friend thought the same about the weapon attacks. I won't lie that it seemed a little questionable at...
Hi all, I recently played a (relatively) social distanced battle. It was my first experience playing Seraphon with the new battletome. There seems...
Actually, the Lost Kingdom cold ones still fit on the AoS 60mm x 35mm base.