Never thought that ;)
I think it's right Kroak can't summon, I hope the ritual works in a way that you use a Slann or Astrolith Bearer, but maybe if you use both you...
Yes I know but was quickly flicking through the books
I have Nagash in front of me now, Death use grave yards, Maggotkin use trees
To be honest I doubt it's an article it looks like the readers question page and I don't recall seeing it but I have only been subscribed for the...
At such low points 750, I would not take a Batallion get more wounds on the table.
Looks like a White Dwarf article
Started converting my Warchanter into the Warpainter
Dark reaper just on the tips
Excellent stuff, I have a temple on the go that I should really finish. Can you put up your wip pics please ;)
See attached Pdf
Ok let me rephrase that 99.99% hope your wrong :D
140 then, and all good quality as well, I will do a count tonight.
Bought the Return of Nagash :)
That's a fair lump (136?), I reckon I'm not far behind.
To say that is your first attempt at converting a model you have achieved a fantastic model, well done he looks great. ;) Have you got the urge...
Arise my children
Will finish the Vargheist tonight, got some greenstuff to do on 5 brutes then they are ready for primer Friday.
It would and we would love it :)
Nope, Nagash killed them all for the souls to become his undead Army, I think he kept Settra a live as he destroyed them to taunt him. Really...