How much is it?, I think it would make a good addition to the Ironjawz or maybe a Hag dunno yet.
They way I gauge it, I have an 11 year old and a 6 year old, the tv that is for children is far more graphic than it was when I was 11, CBBC has...
Wow, he is one of the best miniature painters around.
Google most things
For me I think they will be perfect for my son, I struggle to get him interested in playing but he loves reading and something like this might...
This sounds perfect for my son, signed up ready to go.
I voted destruction purely as you don’t have that alliance at the moment. Ironjawz are cool especially if you mix in some Kromlech heads
Ahhh missed that bit. ;)
That's a snotling and they are for eating, Squigs love em.
I think battalions will be once per turn, where as spare points spent on command points will be a single point applied at the start of the battle.
That's quite a good idea, do I leave 200 points out and gain 4 points or do I fill up on units, time will tell I guess.
I can't wait to get my Death and Seraphon done then start relaxing and trying to improve on things like freehand.
The bases
Nice freehand again, your getting good at that ;)
Usually a minimum of 4 weeks as that was a condition imposed by Disney for cinemas showing Star wars films
It will still be there when your finished ;)
Hopefully finish my Vargheist and might base coat some Seraphon.
I'm all booked for Saturday :)
I wonder if that rule will get tweaked with the new edition
Oh god why is everyone painting their cavalry, your making me feel guilty I still have 20 to paint, damn it guys. Nice scheme by the way ;)