I can't wait to see this finished :)
Nah that won't fit with the tribal feel, they need something like killer apes
With the feathers make sure you have a white primer or base coat then you can either apply washes or paint in your desired colour, highlight the...
I haven't seen Deadpool 1 never mind 2
I've not seen evidence of the Partridge
Good report, your opponent should really be making Arkhan only vulnerable to magic by making sure he is well protected he can do crazy damage, I...
Now the hard bit, we all want to get better but how far do you want to go? I ask this as I have been where you are and I am never satisfied with...
They look good, you don’t say what experience you have as a painter? Next step is to shade and highlight models
They look really cool
Welcome aboard, we have something for you no matter if your a gamer or painter, if your the latter why not start a painting blog so we can all see...
Wow I love the scheme looks fantastic, only thing extra you could do it apply a nuln oil line where the gold is against the skin, no biggy. Have...
I thought the priest on the EOG was a Skink Alpha.
Looking at the pics you have too much paint on your brush, you want no paint to brush off on your hand, remember 2/3 drybrush coats builds depth...
Problems you face is milliput drys hard and is not really flexible so it could crack, if you mount it on a base that might help, apart from thay I...
It is but it works
Time for you to do a Lustriaonline wedcomic?
I have every eposide of Merlin recorded on my box
Right so going off that you are better rolling a D6 as you have 3 (50%) chance of getting 3 damage opposed to one chance on a D3 (33%) and only a...
I get that but a D3 among friends would be fine. Roll a D6 1,2 is a 1 3,4 is a 2 5,6 is a 3 Or am I missing something
Hmmm I can't see a poblem rolling a D3 for a D3 roll just like you don't measure from the model we all use base to base.