They look good and I think your doing a pretty good job for the time taken.
Very clever ;)
Ahhh TK that's what threw me, Death is Undead, Tomb Kings are different. Going off the warscroll, he would return D6 models to the unit that are...
That's totally up to you, with your second box check out @GingerGiant thread....
Check this out and see what he runs, at first glance you think he has no chance. [MEDIA]
Quality V Quantity
Damn the weather!!!!!!
He could also use magnets and have them inter changeable between square and round bases.
James has a old blog on here somewhere, I'm sure I've seen it.....
Great highlights your work is similar to @Itepixcauh I love how you both do your highlights, great job ;)
You could go something like this, Allegiance: Seraphon LEADERS Skink Starpriest (80) UNITS 40 x Skinks (200) -Boltspitters & Star Bucklers...
Yes it's the same as far as I am aware.
It will come just keep painting ;)
"I know there must be a considerable number of you who are disappointed, there's not a huge amount I can do on this one. If anyone is unhappy and...
That's what I was wondering, I thought they deducted bravery (standard bearers) and models are returned now with the graveyards and Deathly...
Which units do the Icon bearers belong too?
Np ;)
Because I'm an idiot I've painted the new one the same as well :D I got it in my head that Seraphon and Nurgle were enough but then thought...
Done ;)
I've done it loads of times, bought into 40k twice and sold the lot, sold Death and Grots, Orruks and now I have new Death and Ironjawz armies....