I'm going to count up the point cost of the Seraphon in my possession, I'm intrigued to see what I have now.
Were going October at some point so hopefully catch you then..
Great report and great victory, where are you placed in the league?
I voted for a Krox, we don't see many drawings of them so I think it will be a good subject for you to blow us away with.
Hmmm such a long time ago but some fav's were, He man Thundercats Dungeons and Dragons Battle of the planets Knightmare
Welcome to Warhammer!!!! No surprise in you having 5000 points, god knows how many I have but it's a lot..... If when collecting you have one...
I finished it last night, think I’ve spent around 7hrs on him in May but I’m only taking part to urge others on.
You know me I don't enter to win I enter to take part only.
You got it in one, just use it on Clay County Jake :D
I've been working on an idea of using wrist watch parts to represent time travel.
That looks brilliant, are you doing this with a full squad?
Haha, I sold some old stuff on ebay so that has helped ;)
Looks good just watch you don't spill the Chardonnay ;)
Yep Greenstuff world, Spectral theme as the army so I wanted to try and keep it running through the entire army.
Slowly, I usually buy everything for the army then start on it, this army is for the back end of this year I'm trying to finish my Death and...
Chug chug chug, I now have the following x1 Megaboss x 30 Ardboyz x 15 Brutes x 2 Warchanters x 2 Weirnob x 6 Gore gruntas So all i need is a...
This guy has been on the go for a while but with @Lord-Marcus having a May monster mash I got him finished, Tlazcotl’s Gaze Scarvet on Carny, love...
Ok since I nagged you to start this I better enter something. Crowsfoot: Tlazcotl’s Gaze [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
So some pictures of Morghast anyone? [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As always comments welcome.
Don't feel bad about destroying his army in turn one, you should both look at it and think what could he have done to prevent it, shoot everything...