I'll have a look what I have
There are guys in the UK, me and a few others so if your stuck for bits we might be able to help. Which horns are you after as there are big/small.
Try to keep your washes from puddling you will get a much smoother finish, [ATTACH]
Those skinks look really good and will contrast well against the red steggie ;)
Maybe later, I've just done a basic job on my Death army to get it painted.
@The Red Devil did say that it would come available after a period if the owner did not renew the domain, don't worry about the domain falling...
Excellent stuff so far
Yeah @Aginor is right, the new rules allow the effect of a spell to be used twice if the dice roll is above “x” and unmodified. I suspect all...
Well your in for a treat when you do discover them.
I use double sided tape stuck onto cardboard strips when I prime, like you say it allows you to turn them any which way without worrying
It’s progress and you should be proud of your early work no matter how bad you feel it is. I look at mine and think that could be better but I...
I think this is going to be your best looking army by far, the suttle nose and knuckle colouration really makes them look alive, great work Dan.
[ATTACH] This was taken today when I counted what I had, I need to do close ups etc but I have around 40 models to paint that's all, missing from...
Well I’ve counted what I have and used the GHB17 to apply the discounts for hordes etc. I’m sitting at 9030 points atm but I need another...
It’s in the personal blog section
Really nice, I hope you get these up for sale at some point :)
Glad it helped, get a painting blog started and post pics of your models ;)
Now that this has been highlighted I bet most of us have in excess of 5000 points
i'll do it over this weekend
I tend to work on a model but build and prime my next project around 2 weeks in advance sometimes much much longer, but I usually batch prime...